My opinion of Transgenders
I don't care if you feel like a girl or a boy today. That doesn't affect my life in any way. I don't care that you want to wear makeup, or comfortable shoes, a dress or a padded bra. I don't care.
I do care if you insist that I use your pronouns.
Ask me to, I probably will. Tell me your name is changed from Brandon to Brie, fine. I'll call you Brie. But when you cry to me about how you are oppressed, how both men and women treat you badly, and expect me to feel sorry for you, you're out of your damn mind.
You chose this. You chose it with full understanding that you are neither a man nor a woman. You still have male junk. You have breasts. You swear like a sailor and swing your hips like an exotic dancer. You confuse people, and then you cry about it. The thing is, it's your fault.
Ask me to, I probably will. Tell me your name is changed from Brandon to Brie, fine. I'll call you Brie. But when you cry to me about how you are oppressed, how both men and women treat you badly, and expect me to feel sorry for you, you're out of your damn mind.
You chose this. You chose it with full understanding that you are neither a man nor a woman. You still have male junk. You have breasts. You swear like a sailor and swing your hips like an exotic dancer. You confuse people, and then you cry about it. The thing is, it's your fault.
If a person makes the decision to transition from being one to the other, they should expect and accept the hate, the confusion, the distrust. They should expect that it was going to happen, and not try and force others to accept and believe and uphold their crazy.
This is a mental illness. This is a person that says they don't feel normal in their body and so therefore must change their body. When a person has schizophrenia we don't encourage their crazy. When a person is psychotic we don't encourage them, we get them help. This is no different.
There is a reason trans people, who are a tiny percentage of the population, about 0.6% (williams institute), have a 41% suicide rate (Virupaksha, et. al). There is a reason people who go through with the surgery regret it (Walt's Story). Because it isn't right. And with the level of confusion, hate, and distrust, with the suicide rate, with the harassment and everything that trans people go through, why would you want to be a part of that? Why would you want to be part of a movement that encourages your death?
I think you'd be better off just being gay. Be gay. Be a cross dresser. Be a femboy or dyke. Be you loudly! No one cares if you do that. That fight was won long ago. But if you decide to be a girl with a heavy 5 o'clock shadow, or a guy with breasts, that was your choice. Own your crazy, but stop telling people that you're oppressed.
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