31 January 2019

The Charlie Landeros Shooting

A couple days ago I saw a post from Tim Pool about Eugene, OR resident Charlie Landeros, 31, being shot at Cascade Middle School by two police officers when he pulled a gun on them. (Incident occured January 11th)

You can watch Tim's original vid here: https://youtu.be/ulCy8rC6jI8. WARNING: according to Tim if you watch the original video (not his) to the end you see Landeros shot in the head. He does not show it in his video.

Anyway, today I saw a news clip from Ammo Land about this story. The first portion of the story says pretty much what Tim had to say in his video, which is that Landeros pulled a gun in a no-firearm area (a school) and fired two shots. The officer's body cam video confirms this. But then I get to the bottom and see this:

"Supporters of Landeros do not believe the shooting was justified. Lauren Regan of the far-left Civil Liberties Defense Center said that their organization would hire outside experts to review the shooting footage. Landeros was of Mexican and Filipino descent. She believes his ethnicity played a role in police deciding to use deadly force."

Read more: https://www.ammoland.com/2019/01/antifa-member-killed-by-police-after-opening-fire-on-officers-video/#ixzz5eFiw3UXN 
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o.O I just don't understand this.

  1. Landeros went to a no-firearms location, a school, with a gun.
  2. When he was being arrested, he:
    1. resisted
    2. pulled a gun and tried to shoot the police officers

This had nothing to do with his being Mexican or Filipino. This had to do with him being stupid and pulling a gun on police officers. Body cam video confirms this.

Where.. How.. I don't even know what to say about this. How deluded is the left? How insane is the left that they ignore what is going on to blame racism?

They call this a homicide. No, it was an attempted homicide - by Landeros - and self defense by the officers.

I was surprised, at first. But then I thought about all the ridiculous people still attacking the Covington kids after the video footage confirmed that Nathan Phillips is a liar and the Black Hebrew Israelites at the Lincoln courtyard were saying terrible things to everyone present.

A large portion of the Left truly has gone insane. I worry for the fate of my country.

The article also suggests Landeros was a member of Antifa, and while Tim Pool didn't mention this, I did find a video from Justin Trouble that talks about it. If you are interested in seeing his research into the subject, you can read it here.


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